Choco seeds
Choco seeds

choco seeds

  • High blood pressure in which only the first number (systolic pressure) is too high (isolated systolic hypertension).

    Early research suggests that applying cocoa oil to the skin reduces black fly insect bites. However, cocoa does not appear to affect blood sugar levels. Early research suggests that cocoa might reduce insulin resistance and improve sensitivity. Early research suggests that taking cocoa husks and beta-fructosans daily can reduce hard stools in children with constipation. Some research shows that cocoa might improve some aspects of mental function. Evidence on the effects of cocoa for improving mental function is not consistent. Research suggests that consuming a liquid meal (Ensure Plus) in addition to dark chocolate (Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa, Lindt & Sprungl Espana) can improve liver function in people with cirrhosis. Early research suggests that consuming 45 grams of chocolate daily for 8 weeks can reduce fatigue, anxiety, and depression and increase the overall ability to function in people with chronic fatigue syndrome. Also, eating cocoa or chocolate seems to improve the function of the inner lining (endothelium) of blood vessels, which might reduce the risk of heart disease. The chocolate eaters also have a lower risk of death from heart disease and all causes.

    choco seeds

    Some research suggests that healthy elderly men who eat a large amount of cocoa from dietary sources have a lower average blood pressure compared to those who eat less.

    choco seeds

    Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for.

    choco seeds

    Overall, most research suggests that cocoa products do not improve cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol. Most research shows that eating dark chocolate or cocoa products for 2-18 weeks can lower the top number in a blood pressure reading (systolic blood pressure) by 2.8-4.7 mmHg and the lower number (diastolic blood pressure) by 1.9-2.8 mmHg in people with normal blood pressure or high blood pressure. Uses & Effectiveness Possibly Effective for.


    SLIDESHOW How to Lower Blood Pressure: Exercise Tips See Slideshow It is not clear how these might work in the body, but they appear to cause relaxation of veins. How does it work?Ĭocoa contains a variety of chemicals, including antioxidants called flavonoids. In manufacturing, cocoa butter is used as a base for various ointments and suppositories made by drug companies.ĭon't confuse cocoa with coca leaf (Erythroxylon coca). Some people apply cocoa butter to the skin to treat wrinkles and to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. is also sponsoring research to see if cocoa flavonoids can help reduce age-related memory decline. Dark chocolate contains more flavonoids than milk chocolate or white chocolate. Flavonoids are chemicals that might lower blood pressure. In fact, the candy company Mars, Inc., plans to seek a health claim for chocolate from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the next few years based on research they sponsored regarding the potential role of cocoa flavonoids in cardiovascular health. You've probably heard the buzz about the possible heart health benefits of chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Cocoa butter is used for high cholesterol. The seed coat is used for liver, bladder, and kidney ailments diabetes as a tonic and as a general remedy. Cocoa seed is used for infectious intestinal diseases and diarrhea, asthma, bronchitis, and as an expectorant for lung congestion. Long regarded as a food treat, cocoa is now used by some people as medicine. White chocolate contains sugar, cocoa butter, and milk solids. Sweet chocolate is produced by adding sugar and vanilla to bitter chocolate. Cocoa powder is produced by squeezing the fat (cocoa butter) from bitter chocolate and powdering the remaining material. Bitter chocolate is produced by pressing roasted cocoa kernels (seeds) between hot rollers. Cocoa is the plant from which chocolate is made.

    Choco seeds